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Does anyone have a solid recommendation for an Android app that does plain-text editing smoothly ...

G+_Patrick Conant

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Jotterpad X is a very beautiful Text Editor for Android with Markdown Support (Beta). It syncs perfectly with Dropbox, maybe the dev would add GDrive as well if you suggest it. 



Or maybe you could sync dropbox and gdrive. 



edit: It looks like IFTTT can just sync from Dropbox to Gdrive, but not the other way :/

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Jotterpad X is a very beautiful Text Editor for Android with Markdown Support (Beta). It syncs perfectly with Dropbox, maybe the dev would add GDrive as well if you suggest it. 



Or maybe you could sync dropbox and gdrive. 



edit: It looks like IFTTT can just sync from Dropbox to Gdrive, but not the other way :/

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