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have you seen this and is it worth it i use last pass y would anyone need more

G+_marlon kirk

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I believe this is a Hack A Day project. You would want this over last pass if you don't like someone storing your passwords on a server. It is completely offline and developed in public. This transparency, with the fact that it is offline, makes it a lot more secure. So basicly, you would use this if you are super paranoid, or don't want to risk loosing passwords if the company goes under.

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610bob I'd point to KeePass over LastPass for the same logic.


But the hardware here is the interesting feature  IMO.  Out of band interface for authentication is certainly better for security and it's probably easier to use for even the non-techies!  As long as people don't mind the cost, it seems like a great way to go.


But in reality we'll wait til Padre/Steve tell us how they inevitably messed up :p

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