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Both Swype and SwiftKey were updated today

G+_Gene Chiu

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Both Swype and SwiftKey were updated today.  I tried them both.  I decided to go with Swype for both my landscape and portrait keyboards.  I was using Kii for landscape and Swype for portrait.  Now that Swype also has a split layout similar to Kii, I decided to go Swype for landscape as well.


I do miss the Canadian English language I get with Kii.  With Swype, I ended up having to select the US English keyboard and also add the UK English language.  Not ideal, but it will do for now.


Originally shared by Gene Chiu


Ok I did a reboot of my phone now. The lag seems a bit less now. I think I'll stick with Swype for a little bit longer to see how I like it. I would really like to not have to use Keyboard Manager to auto switch between Kii for my landscape keyboard and Swype for my portrait keyboard. I've been waiting for either Kii or Swype to step up so I can use just one keyboard for both orientations. So far, Swype has move a step closer than Kii.

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Robert Marshall Canadian spelling is the same as the UK spelling. For example, we write "colour" and "centre" instead of "color" and center". I cannot select the UK English keyboard because it has the £ symbol instead of the $ symbol. If I select the US keyboard, I get the $ symbol, but the spelling of certain words is wrong. I have to use the US keyboard and then also add the UK language. It is OK, but it does not correct "color" to "colour".

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