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I posted this question one time before - I thought maybe I just didn 't wait long enough but now...

G+_Joseph Hurtsellers

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I posted this question one time before - I thought maybe I just didn't wait long enough but now I think there is definitely a problem. 


I returned from my four day vacation last Tuesday (the area I was staying had pretty poor coverage) - but still at least a dozen of my pictures (maybe more) have not uploaded to Google. 


I have plenty of space, I've tried going into settings and asking it to upload all several times, but I can't figure out what the heck is wrong!

I know I could plug my phone into my computer; but I'm trying to avoid that if possible. (Plus if Auto Upload is undependable then to me that is a HUGE issue!)

I'm using my Nexus 5 and loving it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated; thoughts... suggestions?

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