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In AAA show 130 there was an email question where someone wanted an app to share their location e...

G+_Brad Veenvliet

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In AAA show 130 there was an email question where someone wanted an app to share their location easily. I also had this need on my commute and decided to learn android programming and made my own app. Check it out and please give me advice! Thanks AAA crowd...




" Email @ 53:30

I was wondering what was the best way to send your location to a boss or a co-worker? This would have come in handy when my commuter train had to detour to stop I don’t normally use and I wanted to call to have a work shuttle pick me up. I didn't know the physical address of the train station. Thanks, and keep up the great shows, OC Alexander"

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Brad Veenvliet Jason Howell Gina Trapani I've been using Glympse, Inc. for exactly this kind of application for years. You don't need to set up anything in advance - you can send a Glympse to anybody as long as you know their email address or phone number (for SMS).


My review (from June 2011) is here: http://blog.juwlz.co.uk/2011/06/glympse-for-android-and-other-platforms.html

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