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Has anyone found a solution for making your SMS through Google Voice function more like tradition...

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Has anyone found a solution for making your SMS through Google Voice function more like traditional SMS with other devices? So, for example, with my car's bluetooth connection, it's designed to read and show my text messages through the car's system, but it doesn't because it doesn't recognize GV messages in Hangouts as SMS messages to my phone (because it's not routing through my carrier). Is there a way to make it work I haven't thought of?

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I think I'm having trouble communicating my question. I exclusively use my Google Voice number via Hangouts for SMS/texting. I have all those settings in place. But what I'm saying is that auxiliary devices don't recognize a Google Voice SMS in Hangouts as an SMS, because it's not going through my carrier.


So, let me try to reword: in newer cars, there is a bluetooth system that will sync your phone contacts, phone calls, SMS, etc. such that you can use your car's systems to make voice calls and send texts through your phone. Your contact's names, messages, etc. can appear on your car's display. You can dial someone using your car's interface through the bluetooth connection with your phone. You can hear and reply to SMS through your car's interface through that same connection.....


....except, I can't because I use Google Voice and Hangouts and my car doesn't recognize those incoming messages as texts. So I was just wondering if anyone has found a solution/work around for this.

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There used to be an app that merged Google Voice texts into the SMS list - Google Voice Plus or something but that was before the Hangouts changes and the registered-SMS-app changes in 4.4. Cyanogen's Voice+ app also used to do that but I think it was integrated into Cyanogen.


I'm not sure but I think for this to work you'd need an app that registers as the default SMS app while also listening for notifications from hangouts and putting them into the SMS database. Not sure if Pushbullet or IFTTT can do this.?


Or maybe as a workaround you just need an app that will read out hangouts messages.

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