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Homebrew Temperature Sensors

G+_Luke Militello

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Homebrew Temperature Sensors


These make use of the 1-wire system using some DS18S20+PAR sensors and a program called DigiTemp.  I originally prototyped these by just wire-wrapping the components inside some RJ12 telephone surface jacks.  I then took it a step further and had some PCB's printed up.  One can also make use of these on a RasPi or an Ardunio.  They draw their power right from the bus as they operate in parasitic mode.  I have one run that is about 800 feet.  Using a reverse biased termination diode; runs of this length are possible with twisted pair wire.  Although, I cannot take credit for anything more than the manufacturing of the sensors as I lifted the DigiTemp program and the circuit design from the web.  This might be worthy of a project on the show.  It's very simple and cheap to do.

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John Mink, it never occurred to me about the telco lines in the house. Worth a try! As for the cost, it was $40 for 5. After which the price goes down pretty well for more. The PCBs technically could have been smaller, but once you get down to a certain size, the price stays the same. So yeah, there is wasted space on the PCBs, but the cost wouldn't have been any less for smaller ones.?



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