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Ron Richards mentioned he might want to check out OneNote for Android

G+_William Brandt

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Ron Richards mentioned he might want to check out OneNote for Android. Go for the new beta, it's amazingly better than the current stock version. Also note that OneNote is now available free on all platforms --except Linux, of course :( 


Note also that you can use OneNote Batch to import all your Evernote notes. I used it to import 6000 notes I had and it worked pretty seamlessly. Well worth the $25 price to move all those notes. 


Originally shared by Ayush Rastogi


We released a new Beta refresh today with a bunch of bug fixes. Please play with it and let us know if things are working fine. We will be releasing another one with more bug fixes real soon.


Become a Tester: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.microsoft.office.onenote

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