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Please buy Gina a new cam

G+_John Bumgardner

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NO, actually, Gina was using that Mac Mini... huzzah!


So... obviously the Mac Mini by itself didn't fix the issue but made it worse. Her upstream bandwidth is 25Mbps too, so she has plenty of bandwidth.


Russell, our IT guy, seems to know what the problem is and is working with Gina so hopefully we will see a marked improvement for next week's episode.

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Totally agree! Its not just Gina, not even just TWIT, but 9 out of 10 times a TekGuru live video looks like they are transmitting over my old Atari 300 baud dial-up modem.

Maybe I missing something. Maybe these TeknoGods are actually skyping from a different galaxy and/or plane of existence And, understandably, most times their video sucks.

Oh well.

As long as Gina is just talking and not demonstrating anything, I can deal with it.

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