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I am using Tasker for the folowing:

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I am using Tasker for the folowing:

1. Extended screen timeout when in one of many reading programs

2. In the evenings when I’m at home, dim the screen and set silent mode on

3. When I arrive home set wallpaper to a picture of me and my wife, set silent mode off, send variable to Transformer Prime that our location is “Home”. When leaving home do the equivalent of the reverse and set location to “City” on both phone and Transformer Prime. When in my work bedroom do something similar and set location to “Work bedroom”. When leaving set location to “work”

4. In the morning when at home, announce the next calendar item for the day (if any) and the time

5. Record audio when orientation is “upside down” and screen is on for meetings and quick notes. I store my phone in my pocket in the “upside down” position, as long as I turn the screen off before putting it away there are no issues.

6. Set my cars location when disconnecting from charging and not connected to wifi. A task widget is a simple button that displays the cars location on a map if needed. (At home the wifi always picks up before I park and disconnect the power so this task does not run in that case)

7. Send alarm to Tranformer Prime with a simple scene having a slider bar which tells how loud to play the alarm (when it is misplaced in the house).

8. A task widget which displays a simple scene showing current mortgage value remaining and percent paid off. Ability to add extra payments to any given month. Shows what the paid off date will be (month and year). Slider allows you to scroll into the past or future to see old or new values or enter extra payment values. Currently set up for two mortgages. Interest rate is not displayed, but there is a separate task which allows you to change the interest rate for any given time range.


I also use Autoremote so my devices talk to each other. So far they only let each other know what location each one of them are in - which adjusts the settings, like Home settings, work settings.  Any other good ideas for auto remote use?

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I wrote a task last week that does something similar. It takes a picture (when requested) then displays it on the requesting device. I do it using dropspace to auto update my Tasker photo folder through Dropbox. Note that a file has to already exist, eg. Pic1.jpg that will get updated to the new pic which you can then read and display. Every time a new pic is taken it just overwrites the same file.

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I'm not sure how your phone setup works but mine can't turn on/off GPS through Tasker (it's manual only for security) so I leave it on all the time. It doesn't use any battery power unless a program asks to find the location. You could always make a variable which is set when your phone is docked, then add the IF statement:

IF %docked = "no", then find phone

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