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What I 'm playing this weekend and next weekend and next weekend and

G+_Marlon Thompson

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What I'm playing this weekend and next weekend and next weekend and...


A couple of years ago a little game that had infected millions of iOS users found its way over to Android. At the time I wasn't aware of this malady and I downloaded the game played it and was hooked I sought treatment and I was finally able to cure myself and I vowed that I made a deal with myself that I would never be hooked by that company's game again. I have altered the deal!


That game was Tiny Tower, and they just released the fantastic Star Wars: Tiny Death Star. The emperor needs to build his new death star and by the power of retail they will do it. It is very similar to Tiny Tower in that you build floors employ bitzens , stock merchandise and then sell it. But their are a few things that make this game a winner. First is the Star Wars vibe, you have the characters, the music, the look and the sound effects (I just love the R2D2 Notification when a floor is stocked) . Second is that you can unlock short scenes inspired by the franchise, like Leia shooting at stormtroppers of Jar Jar making a roof fall in. Thirdly is that you get the opportunity to build Imperial levels below the store levels and this is where you conduct the business of the empire, interrogation rebels, building star maps etc. They have also added some nice tweaks allowing you to save VIP's for later. the VIP's provide benefits like shortening the completion time of a new floor or increasing the customers at your stores. All in all its a fun game that you can dip in and out and even though there are in app purchases you can get by without them. If Eileen Rivera was still on the show I am betting this would be in the arena this week.



Check it out  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lucasarts.tinydeathstar_goo


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