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When its not available in your country

G+_Marlon Thompson

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When its not available in your country


Being an avid tech user from outside of the US one of the things I have learned to deal with is not being able to download an app or view content because its not available in my country. If I left a comment about how much it sucked I would usually get attacked by US citizens telling me to move to a real country (yep that's what they would say). Now over the years I have picked up a few tricks and I am able to get the content and devices I crave, damn the restrictions. But what about when the shoe is on the other foot. 


Olympic TV is an app where you can live stream the Winter Olympics for free (yep free) almost everywhere in the world except the US, Canada, Latin America, Asia Europe and Australia (that felt good to write). Yes live-streaming is only available in the Caribbean and Africa and people are pissed, but hey turnaround is fairplay. So if your a loyal AAA listener from anyone of these countries like me, get your winter Olympics on.




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Geographical restrictions on the Internet rarely make sense, IMO. And I don't care which country is getting screwed, being told to move is just... trollish.


I'd love to be able to use this app since I'm not thrilled with NBC's coverage. But I'm glad that those who typically get the short end of the stick finally get a chance at the longer end.

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