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Jason Howell big arena pick for you, blek

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Jason Howell big arena pick for you, blek. Sometimes the best puzzlers come from very simple ideas. Blek is one of those games. You are presented with a black line that will keep moving along a path and orientation that you define, if it touches a color circle that circle disappears if it touches a black circle the level restarts. And it gets mind bending pretty quickly. My biggest complaint and it is a big one, is that the bank button takes you back one level, not out to a menu or to exit the app. I hope this is fixed soon in an update. It's cleat that the devs were going for minimalist but this is the extreme. Even the google play sign in icon is barely visible at the bottom of the screen. With all that said you are getting a ton of content with no IAP in sight. It's 2.99 and worth the price


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