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I have been home for the past couple of days and I wanted to just sit back and relax, be creative

G+_Marlon Thompson

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I have been home for the past couple of days and I wanted to just sit back and relax, be creative. Well that is the tag line of the app Colorfy a colouring app for adults (no it does not have adult content) . As the name suggest you get pictures to colour which may sound crazy at first but has been very relaxing for me. While nothing beats the tactile feel of paint brush, charcoal or crayon in your hand, the amount of detail that you can get in this app and the variety of images make up for it. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fungamesforfree.colorfy&hl=en . When finished you can then add filters to your finished products which gives it an even more original field. Now for the caveat, while you get a lot of colours and images for free you can pay a subscription for $40 a year to get access to everything. I am using the 7 day free trial and I can see the attraction though I doubt I will renew. You can share you finished pieces on social networks and I have even started editing them in snapseed to tweak them even more. Needless to say my creative juices are flowing. You can see some of the images that people have done on pinterest of just by doing a Google search. https://www.google.tt/search?q=colorfy&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjnrcPqpLvJAhUJSCYKHdhEAsEQsAQIOg&biw=1920&bih=969


Its a unique app that deserves a look. Excuse me though I am going to color the Mona Lisa


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