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How to find new apps for the arena

G+_Marlon Thompson

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How to find new apps for the arena


This one goes out Jason Howell and Florence Ion, since it seems that the two of you are way too busy to find new apps. This also goes out to anyone in the community who wants to find new apps.


First up I have to recommend Android police's weekly round up. Every other week they do a best new apps and games wrap up and you can bookmark it at http://www.androidpolice.com/topics/roundups/ What is great with their roundups is they give an explanation of each app so you could always just read


The one thing G+ is good for is collections and while its a hit and miss some people have started putting collections together for new apps. and my good buddy Paul Werner who is an AAA fan has this great collection for cardboard apps https://plus.google.com/collection/A_TL_


Also there are some persons in this community who posts great new apps. (we have some spammers as well, if they are linking to an apk outside of the play store stay away) I post regularly and also Paul from time to time and also Elizabeth Whitmire so hit the apps section in the community and search periodically


Finally you guys need to learn a lesson from Ron Richards . Ron bookmarks apps weeks in advance so he always comes to the arena with more than one in his arsenal. His apps usually leverage the power of Android in unique ways. And he brings his A game to the Arena when it comes to presentation. I know the Arena is not a competition but to Ron's credit his apps are almost always interesting.



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Yep totally with you on this one Marlon Thompson. Ron is no slouch when it comes to the arena. I always thought that if I were a host on this show or one like this one I'd bring it to the arena but Ron would be tough competition for sure. Thanks for the mention and reshare of one of my Collections too. I love sharing the things I find (and sometimes create).

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