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Wot I am Playing this Week

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Wot I am Playing this Week


Platformers on mobile are a hit and miss affair, because if the interface. Leap Day is one of those apps that I think gets it right. The object of the game is to jump (leap) until you get to the top. In your way are traps, enemies and spikes. But what I really like is that you have various checkpoints as you go up the level where you continue from when you die or restart the game. Also the big hook of the game is that you get a new level everyday.Each new level has a colourful pleasant background and a funky background music that also changes day to day, You can also play levels from previous days. The one big blemish on the game is you bounce up ads, very often and it gets annoying and intrusive at times. There is the option to pay to get rid of the ads if you want to send the devs some cash. Give it a try and it is arena worthy Jason Howell




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