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So I 've printed the Ironman Arc Reactor on my 3d printer and still need to wire the LEDs

G+_James Hughes

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So I've printed the Ironman Arc Reactor on my 3d printer and still need to wire the LEDs. I'm thinking about using an old bone stimulator (pictured below) as the power source. I have a couple of 3.7v 800mA rechargeable batteries for it. I'm pretty sure that it has an arduino controller in it. There is also one button on the front. I would like to hack it to power and control the LEDs in the reactor. I have connected the usb to my mac but I'm not sure how to access it (I'm a photographer, not a programmer)

Any help would be greatly appreciated. #Fr Robert Ballacer

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I highly doubt that the electronics are actually an Arduino powering the electronics in that device.  If anything it's an atmel328 chip, much cheaper to have things manufactured without all the extra circuits and such on an Arduino.  Also, who knows if the usb port is connected to anything other than power.  If the usb port is connected to the processing chip it would most likely require a serial to usb conversion chip as well.


Have you tried opening the case to verify what's actually inside yet?  It's hard to help out if we haven't even verified what is inside the widget yet.

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