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I heard in the chat room that they make cable that is both cat-x(5 6 7?) and fiber together

G+_Joe C. Hecht

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I heard in the chat room that they make cable that is both cat-x(5/6/7?) and fiber together. With failing health, it is going to be a real bear to do a rewire (there is about a mile of wire to be replaced). If there is going to be a "final pull", I want to do it right. and I know nothing about fiber.


The hybrid solution (a cat cable with fiber) sounds pretty good, thinking I can pull the cable now, and hook up the fiber at a later date.


I'm wondering how much fiber (et all) will end up costing, and just how

much throughput I will really see. I do throw a lot of terrabytes around,

but still, I can't imagine the machines not starting to bottleneck at the

disk controllers anyway. Perhaps I can do fewer pulls with fiber, (that

sure sounds appealing).


Any thoughts out there?


BYW: A fiber KnowHow show would be a GODSend :)

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