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My wife just lost all her notes from the native note app on her Sony Xperia M

G+_Richard Sequeira

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Kevin Rieber - Not necessarily.  There are many rooting options that don't involve wiping the device for non-Nexus users.  There are very few options for Nexus users, as it's simple enough to unlock the bootloader (which wipes the device) and then gives unfettered access to the recovery images, which, in turns, allows the install of super user binaries.

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Joseph Cappellino? thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately we don't know how to root and will not have the time to learn it up.


Guess my wife has to accept she has lost all her notes. I've told her to use Keep already from now on.


I'm just disappointed with Sony for this oversight. Bad experiences affects your brand for the long-term. Perhaps Google also need to have a chat with Sony.

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