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Root Cleaner was updated, UI was completely reworked, new features were added and there is an 80%...

G+_Adam J?va

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Root Cleaner was updated, UI was completely reworked, new features were added and there is an 80% discount for a limited time http://bit.ly/1ceXaxX


Root Cleaner is simple and effective application which a lot increases your peformance by cleaning your system. Quick cleaning cleans your memory, file cache, drop caches, leftovers, etc. and you can do that without reboot. Full cleaning requires reboot, but it makes really total maintenance of your whole root system. Full cleaning is also great when you want to flash other ROM or kernel, so it will clean your device to prevent any problem. There is also feature for uninstalling, clearing data and freezing or unfreezing your system and non-system applications. This application makes your device as fast as possible just by clicking one button. If you are not satisfied you have full money back guarantee. #android #androidapps


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