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I 'm really enjoying the new free music stations on Google Play Music for both mobile and web th...

G+_Ken H

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I'm really enjoying the new free music stations on Google Play Music for both mobile and web that was added today. I usually just listen to my own music since it can store 50,000 tracks but even though that holds all my music this helps me find new music based on the music already in my library. 


It also has the genre, mood or situation type of music selection from the Songza integration. Very nice addition here.


Oh and another couple things that I found that makes this better is having the "Kids" section of stations so I don't have to actually get this music myself (since I'm about to be a first time father in a little less than 2 months). I'll also have either the "Working Out" or "Dark Mood" options for my music when I'm out running with my Zombies, Run! app. Also, for music my friends/family like that I don't own I can just throw on a station.




I'll be using Play Music much more now

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