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What SMS app are people using in 2017?

G+_Chris Taylor

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What SMS app are people using in 2017?


Just wondered if people are using a dedicated SMS app like Google's messenger app or whether you are using a 'messaging' app like Facebook Messenger that combines data messages with SMS support.


I have switched to FB Messenger. I used to use hangouts for SMS, then Google Messenger, then Signal but have decided to simplify my messaging apps. I rarely receive SMS and most of my messaging is conducted through WhatsApp and FB messenger.

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Signal. I strongly recommend avoiding everything Facebook related. Security and privacy are not primary concerns of theirs. Signal is great, is open source, and provides end to end encryption. Not even the signal company can read your stuff. And if you have to switch to a new phone, it'll generate you new keys and your contacts will be notified of your new keys when you initiate contact, so they can, if need be, contact you outside the app to confirm with you and that someone didn't hijack your phone number (which is surprisingly easy to do).

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