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Is anyone else having issues with Google keyboard and 4 3?

G+_Derek McAllister

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Is anyone else having issues with Google keyboard and 4.3? Is running Shiny on my VZW Nexus and it was really bad. I decided to try Pure and an having the same issues, just not as bad.


What happens is that I'll be typing and suddenly thy keyboard will close and reopen. When it comes back up, it deletes the last word and seems to start a new sentence. And it's not always as easy as deleting and retyping.


Just curious if anyone else has had the same issues and how yo you've gotten around it.

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I recently updated my GNex on VZW to 4.3 and am using the Shiny 'ota-like ROM'.  It has been about 6 weeks since I updated to give you a sense of how recently..  so far, working great with no trouble at all with the Google keyboard. In fact I would say my phone works better now than it did new, especially in terms of GPS reception.  

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This wasn't the only reason I switched. I noticed issues when switching between 3g and 4g. To the point that on a recent trip from NY to SC I frequently had no data connection. Since I was using All Access for my music, it meant a lot of repeats. Switched to this whole I was down there and had no repeats on the way back. Now my only issue is the keyboard. Erik Huntoon did you do anything special for the install? I did a clean install, perhaps I restored the keyboard with Titanium backup without realizing it.

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Derek McAllister I just followed the directions posted in the thread for the ROM on Rootzwiki and installed all the files listed.  I did do a titanium backup but I didn't restore any of my apps from it.  Instead I manually installed them from the Play Store and used this as an opportunity to clean up the phone.

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Just a note here, running 4.3 on an original Note. The keyboard was unusable. Had to text my self my Google credentials to get set up. Went to Play, downloaded Googles keyboard app, basically a stock clone, and set it as default. As stock "Android keyboard" kept crashing even after that and throwing a pop up window, I went into settings and turned it off completely.?

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