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Question for this group who I think will have some ideas

G+_Kevin Wandtke

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Question for this group who I think will have some ideas... Just got the email that informed me my Nexus 5 is on the way .. so now .. when I get it what next? I have a family plan on AT&T but well .. it's AT&T and never been crazy about them .. although in SE Wisconsin I will say their coverage is good .. the company just sorta sucks.  Never had an "open" phone .. I hear good stuff about TMobile .. any thoughts?

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In SE Wisconsin, T-Mobile is, well, less than stellar, unless you live in Milwaukee or live close to the interstate. I have family that has T-Mobile here in SE Wisconsin, and if we're lucky enough to get the call connected, it only lasts for a few minutes until the call drops. If your really set on leaving AT&T, I would suggest Sprint as they have and are in the process of upgrading their network around here.

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I have the $30 T-Mobile plan here in Houston.  I switched from Verizon when I got my Nexus 4.  The coverage is mostly good with some areas being dead zones.  However, I am only paying $30 a month so I am very happy with the service. T-Mobile's customer service has been great the couple of times I've had to call them.  You might want to look at Wal-Mart's Straight Talk which is $45 a month, but you can use either T-Mobile or AT&T. 

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My thoughts are, go get a prepaid tmobile card and try em for a month before you cancel your at&t plan. The $30 or so dollars you would spend would be well worth the knowledge you will gain running 2 phones side by side for a month. Compare data speeds, coverage, and call quality at home, work, and your favorite hangouts. If tmobile won't work in an important place, the knowledge would be priceless.

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Few thoughts. Straight Talk Att sim - $45 unlimited everything but throttled after about 100mb in a day no tethering (authorized anyway).


Walmart Family Plan (Tmobile) -$40 unlimited everything, throttled after first 2.5 gig in a month no tethering.


Tmo Sim purchased through Walmart -$30 100 min. unlimited call and texts throttled after 5gig in a month no tethering.


T-Mobiles own unlimited everything plan -$70 unlimited everything no throttling ever and 2.5 gig of tether.?

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