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The application "My Wallets " for Android, iOS, Blackberry, WEB


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The application "My Wallets" for Android, iOS, Blackberry, WEB.

This application will help you to keep record of your incomings and expenses. Its really help to save your money.






System capabilities:

- Addition of accounts (including multicurrency), categories (and subcategories);

- Addition of transactions and remittances (in the same or different currencies);

- View of the current exchange rates used in the application;

- Syncing with the cloud and other Android, iOS and Blackberry devices;

- Export of the selected data to Excel and XML;

- Automatic archiving of data with the possibility of recovery;

- App logon password;

- View of the current funds in the same currency;

- Widget to quickly add transactions;

- Graphical reports according to the categories, accounts and currencies;

- Daily, weekly, monthly and annual reports on the incomings and expenses;

- Graphic report on the size of the capital in different currencies for a selected period;

- Ability to change the color of the interface, date and time formats;

- Log in to the application database via a browser (WEB-version), following the link http://walletsapp.com;

- Calculator.


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