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I am ridiculously over-eager to get my kids into computing, technology, making, etc

G+_Jason Brown

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I am ridiculously over-eager to get my kids into computing, technology, making, etc. One is almost 4, the other is 7 months. At this point, all I can do is plan. I'd be really interested to hear from any parents with older kids, in regards to how and when you began geekifying your children. The oldest knows a couple words, but it'll be a while before he's gonna be ready to start keyboarding.

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I had both of my nieces playing DOS based kids games at 4 using the mouse and single key presses on the keyboard (sitting on my or their parents lap). At 6 the youngest one would help me replace parts in the PC the older one was not interested in that aspect. Both are now in their 20's and both are very proficient with PCs, Smartphones and other common technology. However they only use technology as a tool to accomplish other things, never just for geeky fun.

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Find the yellow key keyboard with large letters at dollar store, big lots store, ecc.. Kids computer games(find the letter type), even old 'dos' games from way back will help them learn letters and numbers. Other games that show pictures and spells out the name... They are out there , you may have to dig a little.

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Excellent point Ken Jancef, my brother and sister in-law never let the kids spend a lot of time on the computer. They kept it at only one computer and in the living room and everybody had to share. When my nieces got to 8 & 9 I added a 2nd PC in the living room so that one could be doing image or video editing while the other was playing on the Neopets web site but they were still strictly time limited.

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