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G+_Paper Pig

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Hey everyone,


If you like flying and swiping games, check “Paper Pig”, a pig-centric game with a unique forward-scrolling point of view.


Here are some features that differentiate "Paper Pig" from other games:

- Unique point-of-view action where instead of the classic side-scrolling you get to fly forward and dodge dangers

- Power-ups help PaPi transform into various special forms with its own unique strengths and weaknesses

- Earn coconuts to use them as in-game currency and improve your character

- Unlock mini-games with your hard earned work to reveal certain story elements PaPi went through.



"Paper Pig" is unlike any other game you played and you must try it for yourself to enjoy the different approach and design. The game is available for free on Google Play and you can read more about it on its official site at http://paperpig.myertha.com/ . #paper_pig


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