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So, I 've got my Project Fi invite and I 've been on the fence about getting a Nexus 6, heard s...

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So, I've got my Project Fi invite and I've been on the fence about getting a Nexus 6, heard some good and bad as I'm sure you have as well, the size, while a bit difficult, is something I can probably cope with also important note if buying, I'll be getting along with Fi, so I don't think I'll be able to take advantage of the $150 discount so N6 owners, what do you think? Is it worth it for you? Upgrade from my GPE Moto G to the Nexus 6 and Fi or wait for the next generation of Nexus phones?

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That's an interesting question.  The N6 is leaps and bounds better than the GPe Moto G, so the upgrade is well worth it.  From my N5 (and really cheap T-Mobile service), it's not worth it to me.  Maybe if they had a family plan.


I'm not sure what you mean by getting along with Fi, so I don't think I'll be able to take advantage of the $150 discount.  I'm pretty sure anyone who gets the Welcome Kit gets the discount.

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Joseph Cappellino Oh? Is that so? I was told that you pay it off month to month like a contract but that would mean that you'd likely go past the length of the discount, I could be wrong but I don't really know, I just imagined that the discount wouldn't stay along with my payments and so I wouldn't get it

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Lee Ball? it's not the cheapest plan, but it's the premise of being able to choose the best network, whether it be T-Mobile, Sprint, or even WiFi. And, what's better, is the N6 also supports AT&T and Verizon, which could make Fi the most ubiquitous carrier on the planet, if they can add support for them. That's what's exciting. ?

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Lee Ball - Not necessarily.  For example, it prefers WiFi over all else (as it generally has faster speeds and no data limit).  Also, the UK is a lot smaller than the US, so I'm sure it less likely to find an area where there is no to limited coverage.  Currently, there is no one carrier that covers the entire US.  But, if I were to be able to use any supported carrier (currently T-Mobile and Sprint, with the hopes that AT&T and Verizon will/can be added), then I can literally get the best coverage at any time, especially in rural areas.

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