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Bryan Spencer Asked about creating a script to record the livestream while saving flv 's in seg...

G+_Taylor Graham

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Bryan Spencer Asked about creating a script to record the livestream while saving .flv's in segments.


Check his original post here:



Check out my code at:



I wrote a basic set of scripts to do it, but im sure someone could write something better.  There are TWO scripts. One triggers wget, the other is the loop script. Perhaps if someone used a while loop they could stream line this to a single script.


Basically one script runs wget and creates a .flv file with the current time, while the other script starts and stops the first script on a timer.


If you want to change the recording time for each file, just change the value "1800" to the number of seconds you'd like.


Save both scripts as .bat files. The script will begin overwriting itself after 24 hours if you let it. It's a feature IMO, but you could add a wait to the loop or something to solve this problem. Or just stop the script.


I wrote these in a few minutes and I'm really tired. someone outdo me, please.


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