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Episode 244! Vote for your fav

G+_All About Android

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The fun of YAP is what got it's vote from me.


In good conscience I cannot vote for an app that is titled FREE and yet holds in-app purchases - those apps are not free. Ever.


PAckPoint "practically packs your bags for you" reminds me of another sales pitch "it sells itself", again, cannot vote for apps like that.  Besides, I use the compression method when packing!

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Regarding the Pixel C and Android tablets in general, I am with Ron Richards and would have to disagree with Florence Ion on that point. While there are some annoyances with Android on a tablet and some optimization that Samsung does, these do not outweigh having to deal with Touch Wiz. We have a Samsung tablet (my daughter's) and a Nexus 9 and Nexus 7 and, when given the choice, I will always end up picking up the Nexus 9. I am not interested in the Pixel C as a convertible, but solely as a tablet and so I did a poll on the Android community asking the simple question: is the Pixel C now the best Android tablet available. After 800 votes, the result was 70% saying that it was and 30% saying that there are still better Android tablets out there.

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Quinten Neis outlook is pretty crap. I am still using it on my tablet but it is not as smooth or userable as Gmail. I use Outlook because I still use a hotmail account (I know no hate please) and also want to keep an open mind about the app and seeing it evolve. But over a year it is still pretty crap lol.


By the way, I voted for you Florence Ion?

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Flo must travel a lot, haha. Although even if I traveled more I can't see ever needing/wanting an app to tell me how to pack, sorry Flo. FWIW, Wallrox is awesome and totally got robbed last week.


Boxer looks really cool, but since I only use one E-mail, Inbox is already perfect for me.


I guess Jason gets my vote by default. Fun app.

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