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Your vote is requested for episode 304 of All About Android! Will you give it?

G+_All About Android

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When Megan said "...because you [Android users] are the minority..." I felt my blood pressure rise. Thankfully she corrected herself gracefully :) And the resulting discussion was fascinating. I've always wondered this myself: why is this idea that WE are the minority so often perpetuated? It reminds me a bit of how if space aliens were to watch American television, they'd assume that the average American was relatively slim, with perfect skin, smooth hair, nice clothes, etc. And they'd also assume that everyone uses iPhones, almost exclusively. So iPhone users are, if not a vocal minority, certainly a more visible minority. I would hope that this changes as high end Android phones become more popular, but I doubt it. And would I even want it to? I guess I kind of like sitting at the freaks and geeks table. Anyway, A+ episode!

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