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Unbundled WebView updates now rolling out through the Play Store

G+_Anthony Kelly

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Unbundled WebView updates now rolling out through the Play Store


If you're running Android 5.0 (or above ?) you should automatically get the updated WebView app pushed to your device


The Play Store currently indicates that it's been pushed to more than 50,000 devices, but that number usually takes a while to update. Keep an eye on that figure though, as its distance from/proximity to Gmail's staggering 1,000,000,000+ install total can serve as crude indicator of the number of connected Android 5.0+ devices in the wild, in addition to Google's monthly distribution reports


WebView, for those that don't know, is a component that allows developers to show web content in their apps without opening an external browser. Having it unbundled will give Google much more flexibility for keeping WebView secure and adding in new features for app developers without having to wait for manufacturers to release firmware updates?


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