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Google now has splash screens on almost all of its apps

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Google now has splash screens on almost all of its apps.  This is a feature they used to quietly discourage a few years ago however its now in the material design guidelines https://www.google.com/design/spec/patterns/launch-screens.html#launch-screens-types-of-launch-screens . For me it only ever lasts a second but for some people its slightly longer than that. How do you feel about this turnaround from Google? 

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While I understand Joshua Wilkins point, there are some things that rely on fresh data (such as current location, latest mail, etc).  These things take time to load into memory, manipulate and then finally display on the screen.  While I wish there were no wait times, I feel that it has to be done.  So, instead of showing just a blank screen, at least show me something.

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2014's I/O spent a lot of time on how to speed up start times, minimize blank or seemingly unresponsive screens, and caching data in order to avoid needing these tricks. This year's I/O covered making things more animated and stylized. A simple flat image placeholder while loading seems counter to both initiatives.

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Marlon Thompson? Sounds like too much is going on on your device so that the Google apps don't get cached in memory. So every time you start Maps it'll start from scratch. That's not a good place to be for performance and battery life.


Might be that you have too little ram, some kind of process killer, too many apps that use or abuse services, too many apps that use or abuse broadcast receivers, too many apps that use or abuse alarms or any combination of all of these reasons.

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