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All About Android episode 240! You 've got a date with a vote bowchickawowow

G+_Ed Bellerose

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Couldnt vote Relay for Reddit - 1) tried it, 2) agreed with the main major complaint - ads are redic and dont move out the way as expected. Some ads load a black screen, forcing the app to drop out of 5.1.1 Runtime (doesnt crash or freeze device, tho)


Kitty Collector - ok, am a catman, but come on!


Fleksy: it's just a Mulligan or a McGuffin if you will, but I'll probably try it later.


I voted CloudCal!


 BUT it's companion CloudTask is a bastard child!  It's good, but when first loading it, it will keep asking you for perms of ALL your google accounts, if you miss the checkbox at first run, you will have a time finding where that checklist is located - not intuitively in a second Settings click, and not the Settings you think! Kina wierd, but the app , the main CloudCal app is really nice - competing with my atterntions for Calengoo (both running now, I dont know yet)

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So, I searched Google and there is a page on twit.tv that mentions Flo joined Twit and AAA on 9/15/15.  So, she has won 5 of the last 9 App Arena challenges.  That is 55.5%, which would be higher than Jason, Ron and guest (combined).  So, it is not fair to compare her 5 to the past 45 weeks, as in 9 weeks she is ahead by a good bit.

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I saw Neko in the play store before watching the show and thought to myself "I wonder if that'll make it to the show this week?" This week is going to be tough though. I also went through a keyboard phase like Ron Richards and didn't like Fleksy, I've never been a Reddit person, cat games aren't my thing, and other than Sunrise I haven't found a calendar app I've really liked... Which one to vote for!?!?!?!

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I already had Fleksy installed on my phone but quit using it immediately because it didn't have swipe typing. I didn't give it a fair shot, it's amazing! Autocorrect fails me so often and I have to backspace/delete words so often, the swipe-to-delete function is going to be a life saver! Great pick!

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