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No Nexus 10 Love?

G+_Tom Gehrke

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No Nexus 10 Love?


7" tablets seem to be the sweet spot for most people, but I'm a big fan of the 10" tablets.


Maybe it's because I went from a 3.5" iPhone to a 4.8" S3 that I feel comfortable using my S3 for things that many people would use a 7-incher for. I know that I use my "New" iPad much less than I used to.


I do still continue to use it (the iPad), though. For things where a 10-incher is better for me. Watching video for instance. Or sketching. Many artists are heading to Surface tablets and that's tempting, but...


There are very few rumors regarding a new Nexus 10 and it's been out about a year. Are we due? Does anyone care? It's hard for me to judge the market demand outside my own household.

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I guess it boils down to what people do and where they feel most comfortable doing it. (Still talking about tablets here...)


For me, I don't think I need 5", 7" and 10" devices although I can think of occasions where each of them would be better than the others.


A 5-incher and a 10-incher seems like it would get me the most utility for what I do whereas a 5-incher and 7-incher seem to be what most everyone else wants. 


Maybe (probably) I'm just weird.

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Once I got the Nexus 7, my usage of my 10" tablet greatly reduced.  That was even more the case when I got my Chromebook.  I also have another large display device in the Note 2.  With all these devices near me throughout the day, I just don't find enough usage hours to justify using/purchasing another 10" tablet.

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Tom Gehrke I was the same as you. I went from a nook color to a Toshiba Thrive and swore I would never go back to a 7 inch tablet. Then I was in the market for a tablet for my son. The leappad that we bought was a waste of money. So I got a great deal on a refurbished 32gb Nexus 7 2012 and my son inherited my Toshiba Thrive. 7 inchers have come a long way and the budget conscious are satisfied as well. The portability and power of my Nexus 7 is hard to beat.

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Santos Cardona It's not really about portability, performance or price. For me it's form factor pure and simple. If I want something tablety (it's a word!) it's to watch video (usually propped up on a stand on a counter or workbench) , read a digital comic or draw. Those are three things that I really want physical real estate for.


Everything that people like about the 7-inchers I find my 5-inch phone satisfies for the most part. Reading in bed, watching video on a train/plain and so on.


People seem very passionate about the 7-inchers. Which is totally cool. It really illustrates my point that the 10" tablets don't seem to be getting much love nowadays.


That extra 2" going from 5" to 7" has value for sure. An extra 5", though? I can really do something with that! ;)


Which brings up a question. For those of you who prefer the 7" tablets, what size phone do you carry?

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I'm in agreement with the questioning here. I have a Galaxy Nexus and a Nexus 10. If money were not an issue I would have a Nexus 7 too. But I can't justify it for my use case.


Phone does anything mobile I need. Beyond that the 10 fits easily in a bag that I'd have with me for any travel. And it's not too difficult to hold for use around home.


I could likely make use of a 7 but so far can't figure out enough to pull the trigger on one. Perhaps if I were to do cellular data since it's not available on the N10.....

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Santos Cardona I've considered all the S-pen tablety devices and it wouldn't be a stretch considering there are 2 Samsung phones in the house already...


I dunno. All I've really decided is that I do want a 10-incher. After that it's a tough call. So I've hinged a decision on the new Nexus 10 refresh. Then I'll decide. 


Maybe. ;)

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