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I 'm looking for an Android version of the iPod Touch

G+_Jared Kitch

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Samsung had a product called a samsung player. They are usually around $175 new. Maybe find a used one for around $100 if you are lucky. But if it was me, I'd just get a used samsung s2 or s3 off Craigslist and put a 64gb sd card in it. Guarantee you could find one with a bad esn for $50 on Craigslist if you keep checking. Heck any phone with an ext sdcard slot would do.

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Lucas Nichols Yeah, the samsung player is way too outdated.  I thought about looking for an S3, but that was before the G came out.  I guess I need to do a side-by-side of the two.


Seems really weird that this isn't a class of device :P  I can only assume that the Samsung Player experiment flopped.

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Well why would anyone need a samsung player when they can just put a large sd card in their phone. Also everyone is pushing cloud based music now so purchasing songs from places similar to iTunes is outdated and very expensive. It'd probably be cheaper to add him to your plan and give him an old phone with data only service than buy an iPad and pay for music downloads every month.

Also I'd say the popularity of the nexus 7 and other 7 inch tablets killed devices like the Samsung player. If you want to pay $200 for a data only android device why get a 4.5 inch player when you could get a 7 inch tablet for close to the same price? My gf has an 8 yr old son. We were looking into the player series for him Christmas last year. Instead we got him a nexus 7 and he loves it. So far it's been the best $200 I've ever spent on him. He plays with it 4 hrs or more every single day. We also got him a ps3 last year. He turns it on maybe once a month.

For his 10th birthday I'm gonna get him a phone. Probably what ever is free with a 2yr contract. With sprint it'll cost me around $20 more a month for his line. He'll have unlimited data and we will have something else to ground him from if he doesn't get good grades, clean his roomor whatever. Lol

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Rather presumptuous Gene Cullup.  He bought the Tab on his own over a year and a half ago.  He doesn't have any other gaming device, and this will probably be the only real gift he gets for Christmas.


Lucas Nichols  Agreed with most of what you're saying.  Mainly looking for games.  Music is definitely not a primary use... though he shares my Google Music account.

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