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Looking for advice on a new phone

G+_Tyson Vanover

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Looking for advice on a new phone.  For years I have been using the Motorola Photon Q, since it seems to be the most powerful android phone with a physical keyboard.  I do a lot of typing on my phone on mass transit (I live outside Portland and commute on the MAX), I am also 6'3 so "laptops" are not really an option.  And since most of what I write is pseudocode and markdown digging through symbol menus is not ideal, and I don't seem to have the accuracy for swype to give me anything but garbage (also, using non-standard vocabulary probably doesn't help).  I stuck with the slider form factor because it is one piece I could hold firmly with one or two hands while standing in a moving train and not taking up much space.


But, all things must end, the photon is not keeping up, even a lightweight  text editor stalls and hangs. Half the time the screen goes into power save while waiting for an application to load.  So I am looking for a replacement.  I am soon to have a kid, so a good camera is going to be a must.  I was looking at an Iphone 6 with a BoxWave Keyboard case (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00NMY9X1I/) as it looks like it will meet all my needs: backlit, symbol set, about the right size, doesn't obscure the camera, solidly connects to the phone so I don't have to worry about being jossled and it knocking loose.


I really don't want to go to an iPhone, but I am having a hard time finding a comparable android solution that meets my needs.  Any suggestions? 

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