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Ok, I 'm probably being hopelessly out of date, but yesterday on AAA Gina Trapani said :

G+_John Mink

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Go into Google Voice --> Settings --> Phones [1] --> Enable Google Chat.  This will now forward your GV calls to Hangouts on the web and probably iOS.  This will soon come to Hangouts on Android (either tomorrow, as it's the cutoff for external use of the XMPP backend, or maybe even Google I|O).


You could always do outgoing calls from Hangouts (press the "call number" button).


[1] https://www.google.com/voice/#phones

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John Mink - Interesting.  It works for me.


You need to be logged into Hangouts for it to work.  Try installing this Chrome extension [1].  It keeps you logged into Hangouts whenever the host machine is on.


[1] - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hangouts/nckgahadagoaajjgafhacjanaoiihapd?utm_source=chrome-app-launcher

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Joseph Cappellino steam is actually the (other) big one I use it for, as I find the steam chat to be terrible.


Yeah, things like AIM and MSN are largely dead, although I still know a few people who use them...but they're certainly the minority.



As for consistent interface, I don't see a big benefit to that cross platform...there's just SO many other things that are different (not just the UI but even the physical interface) that I don't find myself getting lost in chat going right, I forgot i'm not on my phone.  Whereas I find myself saying that with standalone clients all the time....


So I guess I'm more unify within device whereas you're more across device.  Different people, different preferences, it's just sad we can't have it BOTH ways :(

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