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Thank you!! So happy I wasn 't the only one who dislikes that awkward HTC black strip

G+_Jeremy Lucas

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The first time I saw it was in person at the Verizon store on launch day and the first thing I noticed was that bezel. It's weird... I found myself trying to go home by touching the HTC logo. It's really not a big deal, however the fact HTC had to make a statement about it proves it's somewhat a large deal.

I don't buy the engineering complications, the top has a speaker, camera, headphone jack, mic and sensors and requires no extra top bar, the bottom has only a speaker, mic and USB.

I think maybe to simplify manufacturing to adapt from M7 to M8 with minimal adjustments sounds more reasonable to me.

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I have written about my dislike of that black bar as well, BUT . . . one of the HTC games came out yesterday with an explanation that might justify it.  When you have a metal body, you have to have spaces where the antennae can get out, and on the M7 it was in the plastic bits in-between the metal plates on the sides.  But this is ALL metal, the entire frame, so they needed some place to put the antennae and that was the best compromise.  Not sure if that is just an excuse, but it sounds plausible.

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