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I 'm thinking of switching to T-Mobile and am at a loss on what phone to get

G+_Erik Anderson

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I'm thinking of switching to T-Mobile and am at a loss on what phone to get. I currently have the HTC Evo One V with Virgin Mobile, but the phone's memory is limited and it doesn't have a great screen.  I'm hoping to spend less than $350 on the phone whether it is spread out over the life of the contract or not.  Any ideas or suggestions?

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What are your priorities? Screen? Speed? Sound? LTE? It's not as if there is just one good option. If you have the time, wait and see what the price point for the next Nexus will be. If not, see if you can find someone selling a Nexus 4 for a good price as a well rounded option. For the $350 range, you'll be priced out (well under) of most of the best of the best.

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I use swappa.com as a decent price guide, and the N4 goes for $250-390 there now. Based on your priorities, may want to consider the "last year's model" strategy. An unlocked Tmo GS3, in either HSPA+ or LTE models, should fit your budget with horsepower to last a while. Plus the install base & community is there to wipe it clean and install an AOSP based mod like Cyanogenmod or others. Good luck.

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Wait for the Nexus 5?


Any day now . . .?


If you can't wait, you will find different models of Blu on Amazon. Verify the one you consider is T-Mobile compatible. Just read a review of a credible Blu alternative to Sam Galaxy Mega, for $299 unlocked.





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Very satisfied with T-Mobile. MUCH cheaper. Good service. Only downside is somewhat less coverage outside big metro areas. That's data. The phones work. Still, I'm pretty sure that the coverage is at least as complete as Sprint, and cheaper. Happy to trade loss of data in some rural areas for substantial savings month after month.


But if you live in an area where a carrier has bad or no coverage, best find one that has a signal where you need it. ?

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Don't forget about the T-Mobile MVNO options like Straight Talk, Walmart Family Mobile, etc. I just switched my wife from Virgin Mobile to Walmart Family Mobile and she couldn't be happier. She's using the LG Optimus L9 which is running Android 4.1. We got the phone for free but had that not been the case I'd have opted for the 16GB Nexus 4 so she could stay current with the latest Android OS version.

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