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RE: NEST Thermostat superiority and quality

G+_P Costello

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  RE: NEST Thermostat superiority and quality


In case this response post to the end of year AAA episode was not seen back a few weeks ago.


  Many complaints about NEST persist.

Two wire thermostat connections appear to often fail to work.


The recent 4.0 (November) software upgrade made NEST drain batteries to the point where the NEST stopped working but first lost network connection.  NEST was forced to do a rollback back to release 3.5 but the rollback was not on-demand. NEST users have to wait for NEST to do the automatic rollback, some are still waiting.  (BTW, if you have no charge you have no WiFi connection and therefore no ability to get the rollback ...  you have to remove the NEST and charge the battery with a wall wart to get any relief) Many NEST forum topics are still actively complaining about quality and reliability of NEST, testing, effectiveness, lack of on-demand option to control when an update is performed, lack of on-demand rollback, and consequences of being a long distance away when the NEST update stops your furnace from working...

Here's one of those forums ...  https://community.nest.com/message/19730?et=watches.email.thread#19730


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