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Jason Howell Gina Trapani Chad Johnson regarding the email you had on the last show about Google+...

G+_Gavin Rawson

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Jason Howell Gina Trapani Chad Johnson regarding the email you had on the last show about Google+ unlimited photo storage. In the Google+ settings they is a option to upload photos at the lower resolution for unlimited photo uploads. I uploaded 1000+ pics at the weekend without going into my drive allowance from the desktop.

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Yes, but do you want to only keep (relativity) low resolution copies of your photos? I pay Google for 80gb of storage and its pretty cheap (grandfathered in). To move up to the next size is quite a jump. If Google don't feel generous enough to bump everyone up to 1tb they could store all your instant uploads at full resolution, work their magic and then reduce the resolution of the "non highlighted" photos back to the size that doesn't affect your storage allowance.

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Agree that your backup shouldn't be lower resolution. I use Google+ as my secondary photo backup for sharing with friends and family. I use skydive as my main cloud storage but might shift over to Google drive now that the android app has been improved.

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