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Is there any mod rom for android with ios 8 like widgets that are pinned in notification centre?

G+_Digesh Patel

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I'm not sure.  You might just want to find apps that provide "pinned" notifications with the data that you want.


If you're just looking for the data you have above, you may even want to try out Google Now Cards.  I'm pretty sure it handles soccer teams really well.  I'm not sure about currency conversions, though.

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Joseph Cappellino Yes, I have been using Google now since long and yes, it gives us the cricket cards in notification as well. But it doesn't have currency cards. Moreover, I am not only looking for the above data. There are many notification widgets available for ios that have interactive features,for example, dictionary premium app.

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Richard Cohen?? yes, it would show only when in foreign country. However, what I am looking for is any mod /rom, which probably doesn't exist as far as I know. I am not concerned about how ios notification looks, but I would like these interactive and informative apps in notification in android. For example, dictionary premium app of ios will give the meaning of the word of the day in the notification itself whereas in android , we just have the notification of the word of the day without it's meaning. To see it's meaning, we need to click on the notification which will open the app. ?

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I don't think a ROM will help you. As Joseph Cappellino? points out, the sort of notifications you're after are already possible in Android, but no change of ROM will make any difference if the app providing the info doesn't do rich notifications.


What you need to be looking for are APPS that provide the information you're looking for in their notifications. Or if they don't exist, ask devs of the apps you already use to include them.


The advent of Android Wear may be an encouragement to at least some devs to include rich notifications that you can interact with on a watch (even if you only use them on a phone).

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The reason Apple put widgets in notifications is due to the limitations of their home screen implementation. In Android, you can have multiple screens with widgets, apps, folders, etc. in whatever layout you want. You can even put widgets on the lock screens of certain phones. The notification area is for notifications! ;)


Check out these random examples of apps with widgets: 




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Julie Wills? Yeah, correct. Actually I have already provided feedback to few app developers with this suggestion. But I wonder why a particular app has this type of notification/widget in ios notification centre but not in android. For example, cricbuzz, Evernote, dictionary premium, xe currency. Neil Sedlak?? I am aware that in android we have widgets for homescreen and lockscreen. In my opinion, the ios widgets are more informative and this is what I am looking for. Why not just pull down the notification bar and swipe right to display another notification centre just like the ios one. Android being open source and offering lots of customization, I would be glad to have such thing in android. Anyways, thanks a lot all of you. ?

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