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Strongly considering picking up a Moto X when they go back on sale tomorrow instead of the Nexus 5

G+_John Misczak

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I've not used either phone for any length of time.  But, if you're on Verizon, then your only choice is the MotoX.  Also, I'm pretty sure the Developer Edition received 4.4 alongside the regular edition as the only difference is the unlockable bootloader.


Additionally, I may look into this for my wife as it would replace the S4 for her (slightly smaller, better battery, no TouchWiz, better voice actions, KitKat, MotoMaker, etc).

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John Misczak my wife had the moto x. I have the Nexus 5. The X has a lot of interesting things going for it, however if you consider yourself a power user, the Nexus 5 is the way to go. Do not get me wrong. The Moto X is a no brainer for certain folks. My wife LOVES it. As for battery, I have been getting consistent 15-18hr days with power left when I plug it in at night before bed. Coming from my Gnex, I'd say that's a win. ?

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Chris Jackson specs only matter if it hinders the phone in some way. You will not see sluggish behavior in a Moto X. It's as simple as that. The specs on the nexus 5 and the Moto X is a bit like using stock car to drive to work. Sure... The stock car has impressive specs, but you're not losing anything taking the Toyota. ?

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Bigger specs doesn't grow your dick. At some point we will see diminishing returns on our tech advancements. We will catch up to Moore's law.


My god, what are you going to do when that happen? Better specs just to make yourself feel better?


I don't know how to make it more clear..... You won't notice lower specs in the Moto X... Period

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Chris Jackson wrong analogy with the PS3 and PS4 since one is running 6 year old hardware. 

I had a long response to you but this conversation is going nowhere. To each his own John Misczak I hope you enjoy which ever phone you pick up. I am partial to both phones but will be picking up the Nexus 5 only because I decided this year to move away from Samsung and go all Nexus. 

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