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I 've been playing around with inbox by gmail for the last two day

G+_James Welch

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I've been playing around with inbox by gmail for the last two day. It is a great interface to my email, but it seem to me that its purpose is to archive all your email and to not delete it. When your done with your email you press done button and its sent to done. Isn't that just renaming archive to done. To actually delete emails you have highlight each one you want to delete click the triple dots button then click delete. So how is this getting us to email zero if its being archived.

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It's still a zero inbox, just not a zero "mailbox".  The point is, your inbox should only be stuff that you need to do (like a todo list).  If there's too much stuff in there, it will get lost in the shuffle.  That's the point of reminders, to remove it from the inbox, and remind you later when it becomes relevant again.

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I would agree it makes your inbox easier to deal with but what benefit is there to archive email that is no longer relevant, that is no longer important to me. It just gives Google a mass of searchable information to search through. If deleting email in the app was made easier then I wouldn't have as much of an issue.

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