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Only thing prettier than this box is the phone that came in it!

G+_Peter Upton

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Christian Adams? it can be defeated in that aspect as well. I have seen several methods to go right around it, or to Ferris Bueller it and reset the counter.


Really, it's a failed boot loader lock that they pass off as security. The fact it was defeated in a few months doesn't help sell it to me as a complete device security package.


I have my own reasons for hating Samsung, Knox was just the pooped out cherry pit on top.

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I totally hear you Christian Adams esp about the camera?, I just have the worst luck with Samsung gear. Both Note 2's rgb board failed. My S2 screen went, Galaxy Nexus just died. I still own my Tab 3 but finding custom ROMs for it is painful. Development is slowing on that device and I haven't barely used it.

4/5 failed, 1 neglected by Samsung and falling back. Add TW and Knox and it's like "No thanks ?"


Got my LG G3 and its still going strong after warranty and still lots of development. It might actually survive my next upgrade and be useful as a home device for once.


Have a good one.

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