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The back-pedaling language in this would be amusing if it weren 't sad

G+_Neil Sedlak

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The back-pedaling language in this would be amusing if it weren't sad. Nearly every reason to not get it from Verizon is debunked and it's still not recommended? That's an agenda. At least Ron brought up the fact that it is available on installment and is also much cheaper through Verizon with trade in. Plus, the network is better and the plan cheaper for a family even compared to the new Google Fi group plan, which I wanted to use but it's more expensive for comparable data. I've used Verizon for years, and I don't get the hate. Maybe it's a testament to my "local" corporate store, which I make deal with customer service instead of me. :)


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Well I can completely understand the recommendation from android central to not get the pixel from Verizon, the carrier should not temper with my phone, only the manufacturer in this case Google should do anything to the device. I very much dislike the idea that a carrier has any say in the update process, they should just sell devices as is, no extra software on the phone, no tests for updates, those need to come from the manufacturer only hand should have never been touched in any was by the carrier, no exceptions.

The only test a carrier should be doing is an initial hardware test to check if the device works properly with they network, as soon as the device is "approved" to be sold by that carrier it is time to take their hands off of it.

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Verizon finally does the right thing, finally fixes the timely update issue, finally addresses carrier bloat, and what do people do? They still complain. We should be rewarding Verizon for actually doing what we wanted, but the opposite is happening. Yes, vote with your dollars, buy from Verizon and let them know you support their willingness to change.

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Neil Sedlak for me Verizon was/is too expensive, they lock the bootloader's, and they delay (or delayed) the updates. They also tried to stick me with an ETF on a prepaid line. So I left and never looked back. Things may have gotten better with the BYOD and the ETF and the locking and the bloatware and the delay (though I want to see if this holds up after the exclusivity is over) but I've been too scarred to go back.

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