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AAA Poll on Communities

G+_Richard Tan

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AAA Poll on Communities


So this week they said they might have the poll on Google+. Think it could work but you should post it in the communities and under the Category "Poll". Then people can find it. The only problem is that it may get lost if people keeps posting to the category which isn't great. I don't think you can keep it at the top as well on communities.


Also people can still abuse the system. It does not stop someone +1 each of the contenders for the arena therefore negating the votes. I still think a voting type interface is better... 


If you want to keep it Google, maybe you can try Google Forms?  

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I don't know. I know you can do a questionnaire type poll but I don't know if you can target the audience... but to be honest there are always going to be ways around things if anyone wants to try hard enough... At the moment, AAA poll in India is still looking alright.. Only 5 votes to Ron at the moment!

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