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Help Friends

G+_Duncan Jaffrey

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Help Friends,


after upgrading to lollipop my 13 month old (out of warranty) Nexus 5 has developed a screen scrolling issue. the screen flickers and then goes into a constant page scroll.


to be clear it is not the content that scrolls but the actual rendering of the screen (eg the same content scrolls up the page). 


As strange as it sounds I seem to have isolated in somehow to the Qi charging. when I block the contacts inside the phone for the QI charger it seems to stop the scrolling until contact is reestablished. ( I will continue to test this hypothesis)


Coincidentally I dropped an cracked the LCD (which was repaired by a repair center with LG parts) 2 days before updating to lollipop so I can not conclusively rule out some latent HW damage. however the issue only started after updating.


I have done a full factory reset, nothing.


My question


the N5 32 gb is out of stock in my region, no one is stocking it that I can find. If I have to repalce my phone before something good comes along what do yo uall suggest.

Must have



I want

5" ish


32 gb

near stock.


I looked at the Moto G 2nd gen as a temporary phone but no LTE. I don't want to spend a lot as I don't like any of the current gen phones. all suggestions welcome.


thanks D

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