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Hey KITAs, (I 'm trying K IT As rather than KIAs, because well I don 't want people to ...

G+_Fr. Robert Ballecer, SJ

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Would the new 5 show format have better show notes? Sometimes they are good but others they are, well lacking. Example.. I am introducing a friend to building quads and it can be difficult to find the correct episodes to have him watch not to mention figuring out the parts needed since they aren't always listed in the notes.

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I honestly prefer the longer episodes.  Especially since I rarely catch it live, its easier to queue up one or two episodes when I'm cooking or whatever than to have to stop and load the next in the middle of something.  And if YouTube is a big part of it, can't you timestamp link the various segments/topics?

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IF it was easier to find the content, I wouldn't care. BUT if it remains so difficult to find content in older episodes, more episodes sounds like a nightmare! 


The current lack of even a show title on the Twit.tv page makes the site very difficult to find the right old episode. The Know How listing on Youtube is much better, it does show the episode title, but no show notes. The show notes often seem to suffer as well. More episodes sound like more work maintaining show episodes, so I fear they would suffer further.


Twit.tv is built with Drupal, as a Drupal dev, I know it can do anything you want. Get the episodes titled, and tagged, and you can break them up or glob them together anyway you want, and we will be able to find the content.


I know it sounds like a lot of grumbling, but I really love the show! It is just that something will be referenced as being in the show notes, or "In an episode a couple months ago" and then becomes impossible to find. Then the frustration kicks in, because I really want to go find that piece of info, and consume even more Know How, but can't.

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Thanks Scott Wilkinson ... I understand the frustration. I share it... Unfortunately, because of the way TWiT.tv works, there is no good way to give the KH crew what we want without screwing up THOUSANDS of pages across all our shows. 


We ARE looking at some alternatives, I just need time to build them.

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The shorter format might be useful when doing drive-by viewing on Youtube, which I do daily on my Roku app, but if I wanted to sit for a while and watch a show a longer show would be more interesting and is more likely to attract my attention. A shorter show might seem like a less serious effort to cover a topic or two.

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As several others have implied, you have heavily loaded the ballot box... So NO I won't watch... Which is a lie, I'll just be hoping for a return to the long format.

I listen to the entire TWIT network (-Apple) weekly at work, and really enjoy the depth and quality of the shows.

Since I don't view on YouTube, how/why is it important to push viewership there?

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Fr. Robert Ballecer, SJ Well, since the only options are "Yes I'd watch", and No ... [ misinterpreted as "I won't"] , what choice do I really have? Of course, I'll be there, I'm a KitA junkie.


Yes, do it.

Oh, please don't change.

Meh, I'm hooked, so don't care.


Could be better options. :-)

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